San Tan SBR Painted

How to Paint an SBR Upper Time Lapse video

How to Paint an SBR Upper

Here is a quick time lapse video demonstrating how to quickly paint your SBR or standard AR-15 upper. Its available in 1080 so don’t forget to change the settings in the Youtube player.

The video is in response to the many questions that we received asking how I painted my San Tan Tactical SBR (See images below)

My approach to painting this rifle was to create a “working” rifle not a safe queen. So, if you don’t want to “screw up” your rifle then use a professional cerakote applicator etc.

And the music…… I just needed some happy music……

What you need:

1. Flat camo paint from the hardware store. (I used a flat tan base and green second coat)

2. A laundry bag with the desired hole pattern.

Post up any questions in the comments below

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