Safariland 6004 DFA Review
By: Will
Let’s be honest, drop leg holsters are just cool! But I’m not writing this review just to state the obvious. No, I’m writing because a drop leg holster can become seriously uncool very quickly if not deployed properly.
Read the the True North MHA (Modular Holster Adapter review here
One of the potential problems associated with wearing a drop leg holster platform is instability due to the platform not being properly secured to the thigh. I frequently see drop leg platforms riding too far down on the thigh which causes them to become completely unmanageable when running or chasing suspects. On one occasion, I actually observed a drop leg holster being worn on the front of the leg right above the wearer’s knee. It was obvious that he did not intend for the platform to end up placed in that way however, it was also obvious that he didn’t know how to properly set up his gear.
Luckily there are options out there! For law enforcement situations, I personally like the Safariland 6004 – Drop Flex Adapter (DFA) combination. The Safariland 6004 DFA combines the security and stability of a belt mounted holster with the mobility, clearance and quick draw of a drop leg platform. It also manages to allow the user to wear the holster below the hip without shifting excess weight to the leg. But most importantly, it gets your handgun away from your body armor which could potentially block your draw when wearing a belt mounted holster.
Safariland DFA:
The Safariland DFA itself is a flexible strap that is securely mounted to your belt and attaches to your Safariland 6004 or 6005 leg shroud. The DFA is quite flexible, and is not uncomfortable when sitting in a patrol vehicle or arial platform. It has three adjustment settings and is easily adjusted using the supplied allen wrench. Running with the system is very easy, and it will never shift or flop around. Aside from that, there really isn’t much more to say about the DFA.
The 6004 leg shroud has one strap and is a great platform for deploying any number of items that would normally be stored on a duty belt (Here is a link to Safailand’s compatible products). I chose to attach a baton but I have seen anything from extra magazines, handcuff cases and flashlight holsters. One seriously cool accessory that can be mounted on the Safariland 6004 is the line of Kydex tourniquet holsters (On my Christmas list).
Eleven 10 C-A-T tourniquet holster mounted on a Safariland 6005 leg shroud (Photo Curtesy of
This review was partially inspired by a great review I read recently on regarding Cris Costa’s Costa Leg Rig. Several people commented on how high the Costa Leg Rig rides and it reminded me of the principle behind the Safariland 6004 – DFA combo. It also reminds me of an experienced military guy who once explained how he wore his dual strap drop leg, it was high and very tight…… was secure but didn’t look comfortable. The Safariland 6004 – DFA combo is comfortable and you should give it a try.
Buy it:
Safariland 6004-DFA Drop Flex Adaptor
Safariland DFA with 6004 (Optics Planet)
Safariland 6004 – DFA with a modified 6304 holster
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– Will
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