Happy Thanksgiving From Blacksheepwarrior.com
By: Will
By this time today you have already been inundated by Thanksgiving newsletters, black Friday offers and pumpkin spice lattes (if your lucky)! I too have been seeing the emails pilling up as well as some posts that need to go up for our Industry partners :/ ! So, after talking to my wife about what I should do, I decided that I would throw up a post explaining some of the things that I am thankful for this year! I may also sprinkle in some “inside baseball” as to what goes on behind the scenes where appropriate.
Lets begin:
The first thing I am thankful for is my wife Karine, she has been so supportive of Blacksheepwarrior.com and the other business enterprises that have been simmering on the sidelines. I don’t want to paint a picture in just rose colored tones though as it hasn’t been easy for her. One of the main reasons I’m thankful for her support is due to the hard time she has had fighting for my attention which, has not always been a reflection of good time management. For those that done know, I work full time in law enforcement, a fact that I tend to minimize due to it bing necessary to separate my work and business activities. So, between the website and work it has been very difficult to prioritize the important things in life but, I think, this year I’m doing a better job even if it means the business suffers.
The second thing I’m thankful for is my health!
In late 2012, my life was going pretty well. Through the grace of God and a healthy dose of hard work, I was selected to work on a very coveted unit at work. Then, one cold fall night, while waiting in the dark, for bad guys to do bad things, I got a phone call that would change my life forever. It was my doctor, and he told me that I was about to die from a leaking aortic heart valve and ascending aorta. Needless to say, life has changed since then and I’m thankful for the second chance on life that I have received after undergoing open heart surgery later that year!
Our Contributors:
So, moving on, I’m extremely thankful to my close friends and contributors for all the help that they have been, not only this year, but since the beginning. Writing articles and photographing guns and gear sounds really sexy to some people but our writers and photographers know better than anyone that it is a ton of work and more importantly they do it for free! So, many thanks to Opie, Chris Tran, Skipjack, Jared Ross (Rockwell Tactical) Stuntgunner, and Chad McBroom (Comprehensive Fighting Systems) John (Downrange Photography), Blizzard Actual and Tin Man. All these guys have been so helpful and have put up with me! (I’m sure I missed a few).
I also need to mention Jeff from LEO Armory and Paul from Overwatch Designs. these two guys have helped me in so many ways and are like brothers to me!
Our Customers and Readers:
I’m super thankful to our readers and customers! Guys, we try not to focus on the Gear Store as its more of a means of paying the monthly bills but we are super thankful for all the orders!
It’s very humbling to see all the Warning Tag Keychains, patches and Elzetta Lights going out the door and without our customers, we would not be able to afford the server necessary to keep the site up for our readers. Speaking of readers, early this year we surpassed the 1 million page view mark for the first time! Very humbling………
And now for something we should all be thankful for!
Please take a moment to close your eyes and thank the Lord for our soldiers who are fighting and dying overseas right now as you read this. These men and women are comprised of all the services and even though the “Special” guys get most of the attention, they are all special in my estimation and NONE of them get the credit they deserve!! The cover image is my brother Dave, AKA Boy Scout! He won’t be home with the woman he loves today so big salute to you bro!
Stay Safe,